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Composite Bonding & Porcelain Veneers in Brighton and Hove

Many beautiful smiles are created using porcelain veneers. They can be used to change the shape, length, and colour of the teeth for a more attractive smile that complements your face. The team at House of Dental in Hove is on hand to boost your confidence and help create your perfect smile.


Porcelain veneers

Dental veneers are thin shells that are placed over your existing teeth to help achieve an even appearance. You can choose to have a full set or just one or two, depending on the look you want. Having veneers fitted is a quick and easy solution, as well as being long-lasting.

Veneers can be used to close small gaps or straighten a slightly crooked tooth when orthodontics is not suitable.

We use the latest technology and materials to create the perfect veneer for you, matching it to the adjacent teeth. It is a bespoke treatment and we will tailor the finished look to your wishes.

Cosmetic bonding

As well as veneers, we offer composite bonding, which can be used to reshape individual teeth, close very small gaps and repair any slight defects.

If your teeth are chipped, worn, misshapen or have small gaps, bonding can help create a more youthful and beautiful smile by improving the tooth shape. This is a relatively painless procedure where anaesthetic are only used if required.

We chose a composite material to match the colour and translucency of your natural tooth. Please note, if you are considering tooth whitening, we recommend this be carried out first, so that the composite can be colour matched to your whitened teeth.

Get in touch
“Lots of care taken without being too uncomfortable and Jose explained clearly the health of my teeth and how to improve it. The reception staff were lovely and registration was quick. You will never be disappointed with the care”

— Andrew Sills, Google Review


How long do dental veneers last?

Porcelain veneers are incredibly durable and we expect them to last well in excess of 10 years with the correct maintenance in place.

Are veneers suitable for me?

Dental veneers are a great option for people with worn down, chipped, discoloured, misaligned or uneven-shaped teeth. However, if you have existing crowns, veneers cannot be fitted.

How do you make sure they suit my face?

At House of Dental in Hove, we use facially driven smile design alongside our highly skilled team to ensure your veneers take into account many of your facial characteristics, skin tone and the shape of your face.

How does bonding work?

At House of Dental in Hove, we will start by ensuring your teeth are cleaned and then a gel will be placed on the tooth to hold the composite in place. This material is then layered to create your new tooth shape before UV light is applied to set it. Your treatment will end with smoothing and polishing.

How long will bonding take?

Between one and four hours.

Questions? Get in touch.